Stump Cross Ticket Portal

Interactive Experiences

Discover prehistoric wonders in our one-hour interactive sessions at Stump Cross Caverns! 

12:30pm to 1:30pm - Marvel at dinosaur eggs, mammoth tusks, and megalodon teeth, then unearth your own fossils to keep in our Fossil Dig experience.

2:30pm to 3:30pm - Explore the wonders of the Stone Age as you learn about early life and how people survived, and get hands on by making Stone Age themed crafts in our Stone Age experience


Interactive Experiences

Discover prehistoric wonders in our one-hour interactive sessions at Stump Cross Caverns! 

12:30pm to 1:30pm - Marvel at dinosaur eggs, mammoth tusks, and megalodon teeth, then unearth your own fossils to keep in our Fossil Dig experience.

2:30pm to 3:30pm - Explore the wonders of the Stone Age as you learn about early life and how people survived, and get hands on by making Stone Age themed crafts in our Stone Age experience